Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A lose - lose situation

I have a secret, I am gay. It is hard to even type that let alone say it. I wish I wasn't but it's the way I was born, like being born with a disease or mutation. My family doesn't know, nor do any of my friends, but I can't get the strengh to tell anyone. If I tell my family, I know they'll still love me, but I know what their views of homosexuality are and they may not be as close to me or support me. My few friends will probably reject me. I will be left alone all which is my biggest fear. I have trouble making friends as it is. If I don't tell anyone and go on living this fake life, I will have friends and family, but I will never have a relationship or love, and will end up alone that way too. I'll never have my own family with a wife and children to come home to, or any of the experiences a father has with their children. All I'll have is me and possibly a partner if I want to lose everything else. Sometimes I ask God, why did I have to be gay? Wh y would you allow something like this? I never asked for this curse and I wish I could make it go away. Whichever choice I make, I will lose.

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At 11:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't buy into the mainline psychology that says a person can't change or control themselves. It is possible, I know. Don't buy into what the dominant culture says. Find help from someone who truly understands. That means taking the risk to expose yourself to helping professionals who are bound by an oath of confidentiality. They need to be somewhat sympathetic, perhaps a faith community for the sexually different. Research hard and find what you need. That's what I did. Don't flounder and waste half your life in fear. It is all so unnecessary. I hope that helps.

At 2:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its not that bad. I am gay too. My family knows, all my friends know, everyone knows. I lost a few friends but they came to realise that Im still the same person I was before they found out. If they are good enough people, they will still be there for you. Your family will love you no matter what. You dont need a wife and kids to come home to after work, you can adopt with your partner and its discrimination if they dont allow it because of your sexuality. Being gay is nothing to be ashamed about, its not like you can help it as you have said. There are so many gays out there and if your open about it, the more gays you will meet and who knows? Fall in love with someone? Good luck!


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