I Love him
Yesterday my husband beat me. It wasn't the first time our arguments have gotten physical but, this is the first time in over 10 years he has hurt me. I have never felt so close to death in my life as when he was choking me. I am not going to leave him. I don't think 10 years should be thrown away because of one moment of losing control. But, i don't know if I will ever trust him again.I feel like a hypocrite because if it was someone else I would tell them to leave. But, I now know that every situation is different and leaving isn't always the the right answer. But, if he touchs me again in anger. I will be gone before he knows what happened.
Leave now. Call a shelter. Call the police. Call a friend. But leave now.
The next time he assaults you might be today...or ten years from now...and you might not survive.
Get real. Get out!!
Listen to me...LEAVE NOW!!!!!!!!! If you don't get out now he could end up killing you. You say he loves you, but if someone loves you they wouldn't beat you. I don't know you, but I love you so that's why I'm telling you to leave him now.
Stay and beat him.
I'm not joking. Let's see if he sticks around.
Wow I hope you get out,he does not love you ,If he did he would not have beat you or chocked you.
I do not know if you have kids but if you do you need to leave for them to,and call the police.
He does not care about the ten years if he did he would not have raised his hand to you.
If he has done it once he will do it agine because he dose not respect you.
I hope you smarten up and get out.
I bet he said he was sorry and that he would never do it agine.
even if he did not Always remember actions are stronger then words,and that was not the action of some one that loves and respects you.
Please take care of your self.
my sister is in your shoes and she is only 19 and she cant leave the guy i dont know y.she got pregnant when she was at school.se wont eve report to the police....
i think you deserve better and you should not let him hurt you like that.I know its hard to leave him but he should not Lay a hand on you...Atleast you soulh report to the police maybe one day he might do something more.. you never know
I am in a similiar situation. Boyfriend of 4 years just tried to choke me then shoved me up against his truck door. I was 6 weeks pregnant. My side is all bruised and I am having a miscarriage as I type this. Do you want to be me? I knew my guy and was close friend to him for 11 years. He courted me, chased after me, swore he loved me like no other woman ever, wants to marry me. I marry him and I'm afraid he will kill me. There's so much shame in abuse. I have not told anyone. But I did tell him I am through with him. God give you the strength and me too. Good Luck, now run!
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